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Tiger Primary School


science curriculum.pdf

Term 1 - Experts in Knowledge


 At Tiger Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in everyday life. As one of the core subjects, we aim to give Science the prominence it requires. At Tiger we believe that like learning to count or to read, learning how to ‘do’ Science is a life long process and will help our students to be the best version of themselves now and in the future.

Learning in Science prioritises the increasing of children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. Scientific skills and concepts are developed through a process of enquiry and observation. We aim to develop the natural curiosity of our children, the confidence to question a process or theory, a respect for living organisms and the environment. We also provide opportunities for the children to critically evaluate the evidence presented to them or gathered through their own enquiries.


Science is taught utilising the Kent Scheme of work which is based upon the National Curriculum. The units are designed to provide a breadth of study across the three scientific fields in a way that will engage, excite and enthuse the children.  Science is taught weekly, with many opportunities to work scientifically, while building on existing knowledge, so that children know more, and remember more.

Each new unit has a key vocabulary list that is topic specific, and ensures progression between year groups. Being able to use and apply the Scientific vocabulary, enables the children to better understand the subject, the topic content and communicate their ideas accurately with others.

Children will access resources to acquire learning through Science equipment, digital technology, practical experiences and school enhancement experiences. Children will use a range of secondary resources to develop their knowledge and understanding that is integral to their learning.


We support our SEND children by pre-teaching subject specific vocabulary and adapting work where appropriate. A range of equipment is available for investigations and methods of recording are adapted to support children with a range of needs, if required. We ensure every child has the opportunity to access the Science Curriculum.

Learning Connections

Science touches every part of life and as such, can connect with other areas of the curriculum. Many aspects of data handling and measure in Mathematics is used when completing investigations. Specific subject knowledge can also be linked across the curriculum, for example within Geography, PE, Computing and DT lessons.


We monitor the impact of learning each lesson through teacher observations and questioning. Prior to each new unit, each child completes a KWHL grid, and revisits this at the end of the topic to show new learning and understanding. Using these methods, we can discover and address misconceptions, while establishing what knowledge children have retained.

The expected impact of the Science curriculum is that children will:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and understanding of concepts, answering scientific questions about the world around them through different types of enquiries.
  • Develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and carrying out investigations.
  • To evoke an enthusiasm and enjoyment for scientific learning and discovery, creating independent learners who are eager to explore scientific questions.
  • Be equipped with the knowledge needed to understand the breadth of Science, through both it's uses and the implications of it, today and in the future.
  • Use a range of methods to communicate their scientific findings and present it, including written explanations, ICT, diagrams, graphs and charts.
  • Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for Science.

Here you can find our Whole School Science Overview. 


Tiger Primary School is part of Future Schools Trust.

Future Schools Trust Registered Office: Hubbards Lane, Linton, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4HX. Future Schools Trust: Registered in England, No. 06272751 a company limited by guarantee.