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Tiger Primary School

Our Learning environment

At Tiger, the classroom environment is seen as a learning tool and a way of engaging children and celebrating their success. An effective classroom environment is an interactive resource, supporting teaching, learning and assessment. It creates a sense of ownership and builds a ‘community feeling. Clean and tidy classrooms contribute to a purposeful learning environment. Everyone, including the children, takes responsibility for our physical environment, including areas beyond the classroom such as corridors, cloakrooms and the school heart space.

Displays at Tiger have many purposes for example to focus attention, to stimulate, to celebrate, and to interact with. Displays help to promote the children’s learning and encourage their understanding of a subject. Each class has; separate Maths and English working walls, with examples of excellent work, boards that celebrate the children’s cross-curricular work, subject working walls, school values and rules. Our corridor and heartspace display boards showcase children’s high-quality work from all year groups, covering a range of topic areas.

We aim to create a natural learning environment for our children so displays are backed using brown hessian paper with a black border.

This has been chosen as-

It creates less distraction 

The bright colours on display backing can be a huge distraction for the children and the focus on this instead of the lovely work displayed

It makes children’s own work stand out 

If a neutral colour is displayed behind the children’s own work really stands out and the children are better able to identify what is on there and which one belongs to them

It is communication friendly 

It helps the whole learning environment become a more communication-friendly place

It is inclusive 

This can have a very positive impact on children with additional needs and therefore makes the classroom a more inclusive environment

It is calming 

This creates a more calming environment for children to learn, discover and play in. Too many bright colours and too many hanging displays can cause too much stimulation and children find it harder to focus.


Tiger Primary School is part of Future Schools Trust.

Future Schools Trust Registered Office: Hubbards Lane, Linton, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4HX. Future Schools Trust: Registered in England, No. 06272751 a company limited by guarantee.